Thursday was a good day in that I caught up with some of my notes, finishing all for that day. We also had some much needed rain.Then we ran a couple of errands, got my meds filled and Betsy dropped me off at the free Clear Fork concert and she went on to swim exercise. The concert was held inside due to the rain(though it had ended by then) and was in the cafeteria rather than the auditorium because it was "family night", so there was a interesting mix of toddlers playing, slightly older kids doing hula-hoops, folk music and young and old folks listening to the music. Some of the toddlers even danced a bit. Afterwards I watched a great, if chilly, sunset till Betsy came to get me.
Friday was a mess! I was four nurses: 1) myself 2) MM, who left the last of March and has not been replaced. 3) KS who left last Friday and 4) LH who called off and who i had agreed to cover.
I saw 12 patients all told, talked to another on the phone for a good 30 to 40 min, filled a med box for a CM to take to a client and other assorted stuff-as usual. Of the 12 , 4 were injections, the rest mostly samples, with a couple of med boxes. Four of the sample folks had last names starting with "K". The first I took no notice, but by the third I had and the fourth had me wondering if like in Sesame Street, my day was being brought to me by the letter "K".
The was also a woman in the men's room. As I went to enter she was just turning from the sink to come out. It's hard to say who was more surprised but I pointed to the sign on the door and said, rather obviously, "This is the men's room." She replied something like "Oh my" or "Oh dear" and departed quickly out the side door of the building.She's lucky a few of the male patients I know hadn't come in while she was using the facilities.
Also during the day I found out that Hillary, one of my co-workers, moonlightes at Border's and was going to be working the 2100 to 0200 shift.
Part of the plan for Friday had been for me to obtain my bracelet for "The Book" at Border's during lunch. We had driven by at about 0900 but there was a line of about 15 or so already waiting, some in folding chairs so lunch it was to be, except I never got away. We stopped by on the way home at about 1800 and signed in and picked up a bracelet. Then to home to get into costume, which Betsy did rather well, though I drew a couple of compliments and quite a few looks from small folk.
What book? Why costumes? Potter mania of course. We had number "168" and we stayed through the party from 2100 till about 0100. Saw Hillary twice, as she was one of the barristas and I went to the coffee shop twice. Wish I had bought coffee. Betsy and I were zonked when we got home. And John had let himself out again. But he came right in and we were in bed before 0145.
Yesterday we both slept late, and then I started reading. I was at over 200 pages when we left to do a couple more errand, and go to the
Irish Cultural Festival. I had to make a pit stop along the way,and thought of
Garfield Park. I didn't realize how late it was(1900) till we got to the Nature Center and found it closed. But the porta-potties on the hilltop were there, and nature was served. Then I thought to be clever and try a shortcut. We ended up meandering along Broadway, took a wrong turn and found
Mill Creek Reservation , which seems to be part of the Garfield Park, and the
Mill Creek Falls History Center-which was closed, which has a
waterfall neither of us knew of. In the heart of Cleveland. Neat!
Mill Creek After stopping for pictures we went on the fairgrounds, getting there about 2000. It was a beautiful night but we were tired and we stayed only till about 2300. We'd have stayed longer but the last group was painfully loud when they began(people were getting up and running- I am not exaggerating here) and even when the sound had been adjusted were not that good. Before them we had seen the last few minutes of
"Cherish the Ladies" a very good group, and
John Mc Dermott, who was terrific.Home by 2340 but up till 0200 working on Betsy's camp photos and reading "the book". Up to page 324 this morning.
In a little while we will be off to a dance performance, with jazz, swing and Indian dance groups each taking a turn. A freebie up at the middle school again.