< > Alchemy for Dummies 2: August 2006

Thursday, August 31, 2006

News of the Mews - Kindle Chatter

A week has gone by and the kittens are growing. Little Noir comes to greet me and is fully a part of us. She came in to the house to sleep with me one night during the week(I can't remember which, as they all run together.) I went to set her down outside near her "back door" to the porch and she turned and ran in the house. She hasn't been in since but I want her to keep her siblings company as it is cooler. Last night she and thing 2 let me pet them and cuddled up to me. Thing 1 got close but was pissed at me for trying to pick him up earlier-he actually gave me the cat cold shoulder, sitting with his little back to me :-@ Thing 1 suspects it's all a plot to eat him at sometime.If I didn't need to have my CPAP machine and if I wasn't still stiff as hell with a fair amount of pain from the fall I might have slept out with them on the cushion. But about 2230 I had to go in. Poor Noir, I know she wanted me to stay. The fall? Oh, yeah. When we were looking for Spot's body last week, on the 23rd I fell and landed hard on my left side, striking the corner of a hard plastic bucket(it had been a kitty litter container) and left my self with a banged left knee, bruised ribs on my left side, slightly wrenched back, and bruised thumb. Being on warfarin is rough on bruising.Anyway the plan is to move them in this weekend. And yes I will have to trick/trap them to accomplish this. But it must be done. They need to be tamed to go to the non-kill shelters and I won't send them to a shelter that kills cats.Betsy is working up a storm but with unpredictable hours.

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Goodbye Tara Cole

There are times when I am truly sick of being a part of the human race. What was done to this young woman just drives it home. Goodbye Tara Cole. You were loved, and are loved still.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

News Of The Kindle

Well let's see. First I should explain a kindle is a group of kittens, i.e. a litter. I rather like it as kitty litter is something else again.
As a few folks who know me are aware, gentle reader, I am a cat lover. We have three cats, Thorissa, Tippy and Lindy, all spayed females and all jealous of each other. Thorissa and Tippy are roughly a month apart age wise, and are just over 8 years old. Lindy is now four. As the local cat people ( we had at one time 5 cats) we attract strays. Back in July a stray pregnant female we called Jenny, began eating at our place. Later she was gone a couple of days, and then came back having given birth. In the first week of August she moved her small family of four kittens to our garage. She nursed and cared for them aanother week or so, occasionaly coming into our house and acting as if she was looking for something. Then on Tuesday the 15 th she was gone. The kittens by then were eating some solid food and we fed them, hoping Jenny would return. Sometime during the night of the 16th something terrible happened and one of the kittens, whom we had named Spot, was killed. (We found his small body yesterday in the garage.) We found the three remaining kittens, Noir( a black with white bib female) and Thing-1 and Thing-2, twin females who look like their mother, under our porch. At that time we had no idea where Spot was . Gradually Noir has come to accept me and Betsy and the twins accept our being there but are not so tame yet. Can't post pictures d/t being off line at home.

Robert K. Hoffman Died

"I now realize the only effective method to travel and connect across time and space is art,” Robert K. Hoffman

Friday, August 04, 2006

Bulletin From Spencer

NYPD Street Blues
**REPOST** **REPOST**Under the New York City Police Department's proposed parade permit rules http://5bbc.org/nypdparade.pdf- Any group of two (yes, 2) or more cyclists or pedestrians traveling down a public street, who violate any traffic law, rule, or regulation can be arrested for parading without a permit;- Every group of 20 or more cyclists must obtain a permit from the NYPD- Every group of 35 of more pedestrians must obtain a permit from the NYPD. This rule also introduces a new requirement for on-foot protests and processions that will adversely impact innumerable organizations. Groups and activities to be affected- Historical, cultural, environmental & neighborhood walks/tours- Sightseeing tours- Informal and organized group bike rides- Training runs- School field trips- Walks to the park- Spontaneous outbursts- Family picnics- Unions and political groups- Your right to be naked on the street for Spencer Tunick- You name it, sweetheart. These rules:- Will put all bike rides under the discretion of the NYPD- Could be used to stop anyone in New York City from walking and biking- Will give the New York City Police Department carte blanche to arrest any two or more persons that they want- Will subject jaywalker, if accompanied by another person, to possible arrest- Will be enforced at the discretion of the police. Here's what you can do:1) Contact Mayor Bloomberg and City Council members to voice your opposition;2) Tell everyone you know;3) Write letters to the editor;4) Attend a People's Forum Thurs., August 17, 7 pm, St. Marks Church, 10thSt/ 2nd Ave.;5) Testify at the public hearing Aug. 23 or6) Send a letter to be included in the transcript;7) Attend a rally/press conference/demonstration to be held simultaneously with the NYPD hearing Aug. 23.-----------------------------The NYPD DOES have authority to change administrative rules, according to the legal experts at FreeWheels. And the law will go into effect August 24. The hearing on the 23rd is a formality; they NYPD isn't obliged to act on anything anyone says. But we need to get our voices into the public record. So as of Aug. 24, the cops can selectively enforce the rule as they wish. Is there any doubt that the brass will use it to silence individuals or groups they don't like?Once enacted, it will be incumbent on citizens (once someone gets arrested) to challenge the rule through the courts. Though the NYPD has been very unsuccessful in its legal fight against cyclists so far, there's no telling where this could go. Even if civil rights win out in the long run, there go another few years and hundreds of thousands of dollars that could instead be going to build community organizations and bike infrastructure. Our only hope at this point is to contact all of our elected representatives--even though the Council is not now in session (great timing, eh?). If the City Council and the Mayor all came out against the rule, there's a chance the NYPD would drop it. Otherwise, get ready for trouble.**REPOST** **REPOST** **REPOST** **REPOST** **REPOST**