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Wednesday, March 29, 2006

New Spencer Tunick Appreciation Site

Message by Craig, founder of the MSN Group.
Last week, Microsoft announced that it would be ceasing support to all groups will an 'adult' rating. Whilst this is not in any sense an adult group, we adopted such a rating when we opened it since Microsoft deleted, without warning, our first Tunick group on the grounds that it violated its terms and conditions by containing images of nudity.

The situation is this. Either we migrate the entire group to World Groups, a new platform, who are 'an industry leader in adult communities' (ie: pornography) or we will not be able to access the group again. Neither is an attractive prospect.

We have until 31 March to make a decision.

The work of Tunick is clearly not remotely pornographic, so hosting the group on World Groups would send entirely the wrong signals and will attract those people we want to avoid. Moreover, if we did use World Groups, everyone will have to sign up again as a member, in the course of which you would have to supply your credit card details to an organisation whose main business is providing pornography.

With forthcoming installations in San Sebastian and Dusseldorf, now is not the time for this group to close. Therefore, the managers here have decide to relaunch the group using our own webspace and bulletin board. This will enable us to continue to communicate about ST events around the world without any interference from Microsoft. We have bought both a new domain name and webspace and are currently testing a new bulletin board created with open source software. We plan to launch the new site this week, once we have ironed out a few technical problems.

The new site will be members only. Once we are ready to go live, we will send an invitation to all the members of this groups who will then be asked to join. (And we don't want to know anything about your credit cards.) In the meantime, I hope that you all agree with our course of action and that you will bear with us through whatever slight teething problems we might encounter.

Our new group address www.spencertunick.org

And for your information, below is the message from Microsoft in full.
Good news! We are pleased to provide you the opportunity to join a new and improved adult groups experience powered by WorldGroups, an industry leader in adult communities.Now get even more! You'll have access to the great features you love, PLUS unlimited FREE storage for your Group, streaming video content, better control over privacy, new ways to make money, and much, much more! Taking advantage of these benefits is easy. Click on one of the links below to get started.
Adult - a community containing sexually explicit material and dialogue*
Mature - for mature adults who want to have fun without the kids*
* When you click this link, MSN will pass your membership status, nickname, and group name to WorldGroups so you can preview what your group looks like. No other information (such as your e-mail, password, etc.) is transferred.
Transfer your Adult Group and sign up for advanced features, and you can get special benefits and bonuses.
Your Action is Required
MSN will soon be discontinuing support for MSN Adult Groups. If you choose not to transfer your group to WorldGroups and take advantage of the rich new features, your group will not be accessible on or after March 31, 2006


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